Meaning of গুঁড়া করা in Gujarati
- કમ્યુનિટ
- કમ્યુનિટિ
- કમ્યુનિટિંગ
- ફ્લ .ર્ડ
- ખીલી
- ફ્લોર્સ
- પિસ્ટેડ
- કેસ્ટલિંગ
Meaning of গুঁড়া করা in English
English usage of গুঁড়া করা
- finely comminuted and amorphous materials
- grease and flour two round cake pans
- grease and flour two round cake pans
- grease and flour two round cake pans
- she measured seeds into the mortar and pestled them to powder
- she measured seeds into the mortar and pestled them to powder
Articles Related to ‘গুঁড়া করা’
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