Meaning of পরীক্ষক in Gujarati
- તપાસનાર
- ચેકિંગ
- પરીક્ષક
- પરીક્ષકો
- વસિયત કરનાર
- ટેસ્ટી
- ટેસ્ટીફેટર
Meaning of পরীক্ষক in English
English usage of পরীক্ষক
- a geometric shape bordered by checkers
- a geometric shape bordered by checkers
- a police vehicle examiner
- a police vehicle examiner
- A personal representative has an action of account as the testator or intestate might have had if he or she had lived.
- All products are tested blindly, so testers are not influenced by designer names and fancy packaging.
- All products are tested blindly, so testers are not influenced by designer names and fancy packaging.
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