Meaning of প্রতারণা in Gujarati
- બન્કોસ
- ચીટ
- છેતરપિંડી
- કુળ
- પરિઘ
- પરિઘો
- કોઝેનેજ
- કપટ
- ગોઝ્સ
- જિપ્સ
- હાઇપ
- જગલ કરો
- જગલ્સ
- નાવરીઝ
- નાવરી
- કિંમત મુજબની હોય તેવી વસ્તુ
- ફાડવું
- ગુસ્સો
- રોગોરીઝ
Meaning of প্রতারণা in English
English usage of প্রতারণা
- a bunco artist
- she always cheats at cards
- circumvention of the rules undermines any fairness
- circumvention of the rules undermines any fairness
- stories of cozenage and disguise
- obtaining property by deception
- obtaining property by deception
- he used a false identity to defraud the bank of thousands of dollars
- prosecutions for social security frauds
- A chisel, two gouges , jewelers' shears, and the plane blade were made in Sheffield.
- that's salesmanship, you have to gyp people into buying stuff they don't like
- she relied on hype and headlines to stoke up interest in her music
- she relied on hype and headlines to stoke up interest in her music
- When Wee dropped one club out of reach, they continued juggling with the remaining five.
- When Wee dropped one club out of reach, they continued juggling with the remaining five.
- designer label clothes are just expensive rip-offs
- designer label clothes are just expensive rip-offs
- there has always been roguery associated with horse dealing
- there has always been roguery associated with horse dealing
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