Meaning of அகழி in Gujarati
- ડ્રેજ
- ખાઈ
- ટ્રેન્ડેડ
- ટ્રેન્ચર
- ટ્રેનરીવર
- ટ્રેન્ચમોર
Meaning of அகழி in English
English usage of அகழி
- dredge the bananas with sugar and cinnamon
- a moated castle
- she trenched the terrace to a depth of 6 feet
- she trenched the terrace to a depth of 6 feet
- Then one evening dull, as Stien stood by the large wash bin in the inn scrubbing food from used trenchers , a group of six men Stien had never seen before entered through the thick, wooden door.
- she trenched the terrace to a depth of 6 feet
Articles Related to ‘அகழி’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો