Meaning of உறுதியான in Gujarati
- હકારાત્મક
- આક્રમક
- એસેન્ટિએન્ટ
- સહાયક
- નિશ્ચયી
- અડગ
- એસિડ્યુસ
- આશ્ચર્યજનક
- પ્રતિબદ્ધતા
- નક્કર રીતે
- નિર્ણાયક
- ભારયુક્ત
- અશ્લીલ
- મક્કમ
- દિલથી
- ફર્મિંગ
- અસ્પષ્ટ
- નિરંકુશ
- નિરંતરતા
- વંચિત
- કટ્ટર
- છુપાવી
- સ્ટેનન્ચ્સ
- સ્ટીઅરટે
- કડક
- સ્ટિબીક
- નબળું
- ઉત્સાહી
- ઉત્સાહપૂર્વક
- પૂર્ણપણે
- મૂર્ખ
- કઠોર
- અવ્યવસ્થિત
- મજબૂત
- ખડતલ
- સ્પર્શનીય રીતે
- મૂર્ત
- મૂર્તપણે
- તરંગી
- નસીબદાર
Meaning of உறுதியான in English
English usage of உறுதியான
- an affirmative answer
- patients should be more assertive with their doctors
- she was assiduous in pointing out every feature
- a very real need to think concretely about the issues
- a definitive diagnosis
- the bed should be reasonably firm, but not too hard
- an exercise program designed to firm up muscle tone
- a staunch supporter of the antinuclear lobby
- a staunch supporter of the antinuclear lobby
- steadfast loyalty
- stout middle-aged men
- we were both enthusiastic, resolute, and, in our unequal ways, stouthearted
- I remember him as a stoutish redhead
- he had a sturdy, muscular physique
- he had a sturdy, muscular physique
- companies connected either directly or tangentially to the music business
- the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible
- a tangy salad
- a tenacious grip
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