Meaning of உற்சாகமற்ற in Gujarati
- ખુશખુશાલ
- ઉત્સાહી
- ગ્લાસલેસ
- અનિશ્ચિત
- અનિચ્છનીય
- અણધારી
- અસ્પષ્ટ
- અસંમતકારી
- અણગમતું
Meaning of உற்சாகமற்ற in English
English usage of உற்சாகமற்ற
- the corridors were ill-lit and cheerless
- For the Mandarin speaker, both [ dz ] and [ ts ] fall into the unaspirated category and so do not contrast.
- The next day was as boring, mundane, unexciting , humdrum, dull, tedious, uneventful and monotonous as usual.
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