Meaning of எச்சரிக்கை in Gujarati
- અલાર્ક
- અવ્યવસ્થિત
- ચેતવણી
- વિચાર્યું
- ચેતવણી આપી
- ચેતવણી આપનાર
- ઇશારો કરવો
- સાવચેતીભર્યું
- સાવધાની
- સાવચેતી રાખવી
- પ્રિયતમ
- અનિચ્છનીય
- અનિચ્છનીયતા
- શણગારેલું
- યાર્નિંગ
Meaning of எச்சரிக்கை in English
English usage of எச்சரிக்கை
- schools need to be constantly alert to this problem
- he alerted people to the dangers of smoking
- an alert police officer discovered a truck full of explosives
- he alerted people to the dangers of smoking
- Miranda beckoned to Adam
- “Be careful now,” I cautioned
- a cautionary tale
- “Be careful now,” I cautioned
- there are a number of caveats which concern the validity of the assessment results
- long hours of tedious darning
- nomadic Aborigines roamed the testing fields, unwarned and unprotected
- a red warning light
- they were yarning about local legends and superstitions
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