Meaning of ஏற்றம் in Gujarati
- આરોહણ
- ચડતા
- આરોહ
- આરોહી
- અવકાશી
- એસેન્શન્સ
- તપસ્વી
- બોઇસ્ટ
- તેજી
- બૂમ થયેલ
- બૂમર
- તેજીથી
- ઉછેરવું
- ફરકાવવું
- ધૂમ મચાવવી
- છાંયડો
- ફરકાવો
- બળતરા
- પર્વત
- ઉત્સાહી
- સમર્થન
- ઉત્થાન
- અપસ્લોપ
- અપસ્લોપિંગ
Meaning of ஏற்றம் in English
English usage of ஏற்றம்
- they have a moral ascendancy over the rich
- ascendant moderate factions in the party
- If not, then use the ascendant if the birth was preceded by a New Moon.
- ascendant moderate factions in the party
- his ascension to the ranks of pop star
- his ascension to the ranks of pop star
- the first ascent of the Matterhorn
- the first ascent of the Matterhorn
- thunder boomed in the sky
- thunder boomed in the sky
- It's been a boomer of a season… it's been nice and warm.
- the booming economy
- thunder boomed in the sky
- a heady combination of balmy weather and a boomy economy
- high overhead great cranes hoisted girders
- high overhead great cranes hoisted girders
- the big man started to run upslope
Articles Related to ‘ஏற்றம்’
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