Meaning of கூச்சலிடுதல் in Gujarati
- બેલેરામિંગ
- ક્લેમ્મિંગ
- ગુસ્સો
- હોર્સિંગ
- યીનિંગ
Meaning of கூச்சலிடுதல் in English
English usage of கூச்சலிடுதல்
- the surging crowds clamored for attention
- the surging crowds clamored for attention
- she heard him grousing about his assistant
- when voicebox cartilage is inflamed, the voice hoarsens
- the day a lamb was yeaned
Synonyms of ‘கூச்சலிடுதல்’
Antonyms of ‘கூச்சலிடுதல்’
Articles Related to ‘கூச்சலிடுதல்’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો