Meaning of சபை in Gujarati
- ભેગા
- મંડળ
- એકત્રીકરણ
- મંડળરૂપે
- મંડળી
- મંડળવાળું
- કાઉન્સિલ
- પતંગિયું
- કાઉન્સિલમેન
Meaning of சபை in English
English usage of சபை
- He failed, however, to project the charisma and religiosity which many congregants sought.
- some 4000 demonstrators had congregated at a border point
- some 4000 demonstrators had congregated at a border point
- large congregations of birds may cause public harm
- congregational singing
- an official human rights council
Articles Related to ‘சபை’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો