Meaning of சுமை in Gujarati
- બોજ
- બોજારૂપ
- બોજો
- બોજારૂપતા
- ભરેલું
- જીવંત લોડ
- લોડ
- ભાર
- ભારે
- રહેવું
- પુશઓવર
- અસ્થિર
Meaning of சுமை in English
English usage of சுமை
- she walked forward burdened with a wooden box
- she walked forward burdened with a wooden box
- she walked forward burdened with a wooden box
- the burdensome responsibilities of professional life
- a tree laden with apples
- When forms are removed, supporting forms and shores must not be removed from walls (or other structural units) until concrete is strong enough to carry its own weight and any other superimposed dead or live loads .
- in addition to their own food, they must carry a load of up to eighty pounds
- a loden cape
- Colonel Moore was benevolent but no pushover
Articles Related to ‘சுமை’
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