Meaning of தீர்ப்பு in Gujarati
- નિર્ણય
- નિર્ણાયક
- ન્યાય
- ચુકાદો
- ન્યાયી
- ન્યાય કરવો
Meaning of தீர்ப்பு in English
English usage of தீர்ப்பு
- the case was adjudicated in the Supreme Court
- the matter may have to go to court for adjudication
- the steering wheel juddered in his hand
- an error of judgment
- judgmental errors
- it is hard to judge whether such opposition is justified
- an error of judgment
- judgmental errors
- the jury returned a verdict of ‘not guilty.’
Articles Related to ‘தீர்ப்பு’
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