
Meaning of துணை in Gujarati

  • સહાયક
  • એક્સેસરીશીપ
  • એડજ્યુરેટિવ
  • સહાયકો
  • આનુષંગિક
  • આનુષંગિક બાબતો
  • અનિલિલ
  • સાહસિકતા
  • સહયોગી
  • સાહસિક રીતે
  • ગૌણ
  • સહાયક રૂપે
  • સહાયકતા
  • સહજતાથી
  • સહાયક રીતે
  • કોમ્પેરેબલ
  • કંપની
  • સાથી
  • સાથીદાર
  • ઉપભોક્તા
  • સહમત
  • પ્રતિનિધિ
  • નાયબ
  • એસ્કોર્ટ
  • એસ્કોરેજ
  • એસ્કોર્ટીંગ
  • એસ્કોર્મેન્ટ
  • જીવનસાથી
  • ગૌરવ
  • એસ્પૉશન્સ
  • પરિપૂર્ણ
  • પેરામોર્ફસ
  • પરમૌર
  • પરાકાષ્ઠાવાળું
  • પેટા
  • આધીનતા
  • સદભાગ્યે
  • પેટાસર
  • સબકોનિકલ
  • ઉપકોર્ડ
  • પેટાવિભાગ
  • સબડિટેટિઅસ
  • સબડુપ્લિકેટ
  • સબિડેટર
  • સુપ્રિમેંટલ
  • પેટાવિભાગ્યે
  • ઉપસંહારથી
  • સબફેક્ટરી
  • પેટાગ્રાફ
  • સુસંગત
  • પેટાકંપની
  • વિષય
  • અવગણનાત્મક
  • સબજેસન્ટ
  • સબજેક્ટ
  • સબજેક્શન
  • સબલેટ્રલ
  • સબમેન્ટલ
  • સબમેન્ટમ
  • સબલોરલ
  • સબોલ
  • સબપેરેલલ
  • ઉપગણિત
  • પેટાથી
  • પેટા કાયમી
  • સબપાયલ
  • પેટાપ્રાયમરી
  • સબપાયર
  • પેટાબ્યુબિક
  • સબસ્રાકલ
  • સબલ
  • સબપર્યુઅલ
  • સંતૃપ્ત
  • સબક .પ્યુલરી
  • ભૂગર્ભ
  • પેટા કલમ
  • અનુગામી
  • સંક્ષિપ્તપણે
  • સબપટ
  • સબઝર્ડ
  • ચીકણું
  • લવાજમ
  • સબસિઝર
  • સબોલિડ
  • ગ્રાહક
  • પેટાજાતિ
  • પેટાજાણે
  • ઉપભોક્તાપૂર્વક
  • પેટાળ
  • સબ્સ્ક્રૂટલી
  • પૌષ્ટિક
  • સબસલ્ટસ
  • ઉપસર્જન
  • સબ્સ્ક્રુફિશિયલલી
  • સબવેશન
  • સબવેન્શનરી
  • ઉપદ્રવ
  • પૂરક
  • અસહ્ય
  • વાઇસ
  • વાજબી
  • અવ્યવસ્થિત
  • વિરુદ્ધ
  • બદલાવ
  • ઉપાધ્યક્ષ

Meaning of துணை in English

English usage of துணை

  • functionally the maxillae are a pair of accessory jaws
  • a range of bathroom accessories
  • additional medications may be used as adjunctive therapy
  • he eventually became adjutant to the commander of the tactical air force
  • Women with breast cancer may benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or both.
  • New TB adjuvants (enhancers of the immune response) have been studied.
  • the employment of specialist teachers and ancillaries
  • the development of ancillary services to support its products
  • an associative, nonlinear mode of thought
  • a nursing auxiliary
  • a nursing auxiliary
  • his traveling companion
  • the ideal of the companionate marriage
  • he is companioned by a pageboy
  • he is companioned by a pageboy
  • Tomorrow I hand over the Principal Clerk's duties to my deputy .
  • a police escort
  • Shiona escorted Janice to the door
  • Shiona escorted Janice to the door
  • he turned his back on the modernism he had espoused in his youth
  • he turned his back on the modernism he had espoused in his youth
  • Is it too much to have these characters actually act like fathers and daughters, and not just like rich, sleazy sugar daddies with their young, illicit paramours tagging along for the ride?
  • he subbed for Scott as weatherman
  • Mitral sclerites bilaterally symmetrical, subcircular in apertural view, and subconical in lateral view.
  • At 187 m, a thin bed of iron-stained quartz sandstone drapes across an irregular surface cut into oolitic dolomitic grainstones that represent the latest phase of the subjacent shallowing record.
  • his subordinate officers
  • practical considerations were subordinated to political expediency
  • practical considerations were subordinated to political expediency
  • These data define another linear palaeotemperature profile that is subparallel to the present-day geothermal gradient.
  • each chapter has a different theme and numerous subsections
  • officers are appointed to subserve their own profit and convenience
  • many environmentalists argue that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to that of protecting the environment
  • Ottawa has begun to cut federal subventions to the provinces
  • I looked for a part-time job to supplement my income
  • many premature infants need supplemental oxygen soon after birth
  • the center's work was to be seen as supplementary to orthodox treatment and not a substitute for it
  • I looked for a part-time job to supplement my income
  • the dome was supported by a hundred white columns
  • the letter was drafted by David Hunt, vice Bevin who was ill
  • When Henry VIII finally became convinced that his vicegerent was a religious radical who was protecting Protestants secretly, he withdrew his support and allowed Cromwell to fall victim to his conservative opponents.

Synonyms of ‘துணை

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