Meaning of நீக்கு in Gujarati
- પાગલ બનવું
- ઘટાડવું
- બંધ કરો
- વિસ્થાપન
- કા .ી નાંખો
- ડિસેબલ
- પસંદ કરો
- ડિલિસ્ટ
- ડિમગ્રેટ કરવું
- જમાવટ
- ડિપ્લોમેટ
- થાપણ
- અવમૂલ્યન
- નાશ કરવો
- અલગ કરવું
- છૂટી
- છૂટા કરો
- ત્યજી દેવું
- ડિસેનોલ કરો
- વિખેરી નાખવું
- અસ્પષ્ટ કરવું
- જંતુમુક્ત
- વિસર્જન કરવું
- છૂટા પાડવું
- અસ્થિર
- ભરાવું
- અવગણવું
- અસંમત
- પરિવર્તન
- દૂર કરો
- ઝૂમવું
- પ્રયોગ કરવો
- ભદ્ર
- વિસ્તૃત
- વિકસિત
- છેકી નાખવું
- બુઝાવવું
- વધારવું
- વળવું
- યાદ
- બિનપ્રતિબંધિત
- અનડિલેટ
- અનહોલો
Meaning of நீக்கு in English
English usage of நீக்கு
- therapeutic intervention to ablate existing cancer cells
- Nonetheless did you try manually deleing all the cookies for the two sites?
- A small number of farmers have been delisted as Fair Trade growers as a result of the monitoring activities of their peers and the Certification Officer, usually because of herbicide use.
- he had been deposed by a military coup
- what I deprecate is persistent indulgence
- the Anglican Church in Wales was disestablished in 1919
- he ran one hand through his hair, further disheveling it
- a policy that would eliminate inflation
- Concentrated CKs were eluted from the cartridges with ethanol and the eluates were evaporated to dryness.
- these protein bands were eluted and used as immunogen
- I’ve kind of expunged that period from my CV
- even the fact that you once helped to save my life could not extenuate your offence
- the Venetian blinds obviated the need for curtains
- Black political organizations were unbanned in February, the ANC leader Nelson Mandela was released from jail, and in March the Ciskei homeland government collapsed.
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