Meaning of பொழுதுபோக்கு in Gujarati
- મનોરંજન
- મનોરંજક
- મનોરંજન કરનાર
- હોબીબિયન
- હોબીઝમ
- હોબીસ્ટ
- ધ્રુજારી
- હોબલિંગ
- હોબલીંગથી
- શોખનો ઘોડો
- હોબીહોર્સિસ
- શોખ
- શોખથી
- મનોરંજનથી
- પુનરાવર્તન
Meaning of பொழுதுபோக்கு in English
English usage of பொழுதுபோக்கு
- a tremendous game that thoroughly entertained the crowd
- street entertainers
- street entertainers
- the magazine is both entertaining and informative
- a tremendous game that thoroughly entertained the crowd
- everyone just sits in front of the TV for entertainment
- a tremendous game that thoroughly entertained the crowd
- he was hobbling around on crutches
- he was hobbling around on crutches
- one of her favorite hobbyhorses was about how people had to care for “the child inside.”
- one of her favorite hobbyhorses was about how people had to care for “the child inside.”
- a computer hobbyist
- what a recreant figure must he make
- As a lover, his story stands out forever as a warning to the timid and the recreant .
- areas used for recreation such as hiking or biking
- recreational cycling in the countryside
- the recreative value of foreign travel
Synonyms of ‘பொழுதுபோக்கு’
Antonyms of ‘பொழுதுபோக்கு’
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