Meaning of மந்தமான in Gujarati
- ઔદાસીન્ય
- ડેબાનન્ટ
- કંટાળાજનક
- ડ્રેઅરનેસ
- સુખી
- સુશોભિત
- ડ્રોમી
- કર્કશ
- નીરસ
- અસ્પષ્ટ
- નીરસતા
- ચપળતાથી
- ફ્લોકીએસ્ટ
- કમી
- સુસ્ત
- શાકાહારી
- લ્યુબરલી
- નમ્ર
- નવશેકું
- નરમ
- લુલ
- મૂડિઅર
- સ્લોબિશ
- ડૂબી ગયું
- ગાદીવાળું
- સ્લોફિંગ
- આળસ
- સુસ્તી
- ગોકળગાય
- ઝૂંપડપટ્ટી
- નિંદાકારક
- સખત
- સ્લમ્પિ
- મલમ
Meaning of மந்தமான in English
English usage of மந்தமான
- the mortgage market has been in the doldrums for three years
- the dreary routine of working, eating, and trying to sleep
- August was hot and drouthy
- Albert's eyes dulled a little
- Albert's eyes dulled a little
- tasks of such repetitive and numbing dullness
- tasks of such repetitive and numbing dullness
- Albert's eyes dulled a little
- this exercise helps to flatten a flabby stomach
- no excuses were made for the team's lackluster performance
- no excuses were made for the team's lackluster performance
- they employed two great lubberly men
- they drank bitter lukewarm coffee
- the rhythm of the boat lulled her to sleep
- she met his moody adolescent brother
- we're not paying good money for shoddy goods
- her mouth went slack
- he slackened his grip
- he slackened his grip
- her mouth went slack
- your slobbish ways will cause relationship troubles for you one day
- a snake sloughs off its old skin
- a snake sloughs off its old skin
- I'm waiting for those sluggards to bring my steak
- a sluggish stream
- Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle
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