Meaning of மிருகத்தனமான in Gujarati
- જાનવર
- પ્રાણી
- પશુધન
- પશુ
- ઘેરાયેલું
- પૌષ્ટિક
- પરેશાન
- શોક કરવો
- ઉઝરડા
- ક્રૂર
- નિર્દય
- ક્રૂરતાકરણ
- નિર્દયતા
- ઘાતકી
- ક્રૂરવાદી
- ઘાતકી બનાવવું
- નિર્દયીકરણ
- જડ
- ઉઝરડો
- બ્રુટિંગ
- બચાવ કરવો
Meaning of மிருகத்தனமான in English
English usage of மிருகத்தனமான
- beastly immorality
- beastly immorality
- Darwin's revelations about our bestial beginnings
- They typically demand some bizarre chimera: a part goat, part rooster sort of monster appropriate to a medieval bestiary or science fiction.
- 'tis a brumal night
- The bartender offered to let me try the second sparkler on the menu - the Domaine de la Fontainerie, brut , '01, Vouvray at $9.
- a brutal murder
- the brutalizing effects of warfare
- they brutalize and torture persons in their custody
- they brutalize and torture persons in their custody
- the brutalizing effects of warfare
- brutish behavior
- Nationalistic thugs who double as acrobats from the fictional Balkan country of Karonia, The Fearsome Foot-Fighters are masters of savate , a French form of kickboxing.
Synonyms of ‘மிருகத்தனமான’
Antonyms of ‘மிருகத்தனமான’
Articles Related to ‘மிருகத்தனமான’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો