Meaning of అంచు in Gujarati
- કાંટો
- બ્રિમ્ડ
- ગંધક
- ઉઝરડો
- અણી
- ધાર
- ફ્લેંજ
- ફ્રિન્જ
- ફ્રિન્જ્ડ
- ફ્રિંજલેટ
- ફ્રિન્જાઇકલ
- સરહદ
- ફ્રિન્ટેઇલ
- ફ્રીંગિયર
- ફ્રિંગિસ્ટ
- ફ્રિંગિલિન
- તૃષ્ણા
- ફ્રિંગિંગ
- ફ્રિંગી
- પરિઘ
- રિમ
- વર્જબોર્ડ
- વર્જિંગ
Meaning of అంచు in English
English usage of అంచు
- a soft hat with a turned-up brim
- a brimming cup
- a brimming cup
- the brink of the cliffs
- these measures are merely tinkering at the edges of a wider issue
- the crocheted edging of the cloth
- the flanges that held the tailpipe to the aircraft
- a rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet
- a rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet
- a rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet
- new buildings on the periphery of the hospital site
- a china egg cup with a gold rim
- they came down to the verge of the lake
- his style verged into the art nouveau school
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