Meaning of అలవాటు in Gujarati
- અનુકૂળ
- અનુકૂલન
- અનુકુળ
- વશીકરણ
- વખાણ
- અભિવાદન
- વખાણવા યોગ્ય
- અનુરૂપ
- જોડવું
- સુવાક્યતા
- ટેવ
- ટેવાયેલું
- ટેવાયેલા
- આશ્રય
- જીવનશૈલી
- હેબિલિમેન્ટેડ
- આદત
- અવસર
- રહેઠાણ
- રોજનું
- અનુકૂળ થવું
- વસવાટ
- વસવાટ કરો છો
- વસ્તી
- અસ્થિર
- અસ્વસ્થતા
Meaning of అలవాటు in English
English usage of అలవాటు
- it will take a few days to get acclimated to the altitude
- it will take a few days to get acclimated to the altitude
- he spent most of his rookie season documenting his acclimation to life in the NFL
- it will take a few days to get acclimated to the altitude
- I'd suggest a period of acclimatization is in order for both you and the dog
- I'd suggest a period of acclimatization is in order for both you and the dog
- they acclimatized themselves before ascending Everest
- An acclivity that wasn't present before came up.
- I accustomed my eyes to the lenses
- his accustomed route
- I accustomed my eyes to the lenses
- The flames suddenly shot up into the air, twice as high as a man could stand and when they dropped again, a figure had formed from the flames, a figure of a woman attired in simple habiliments .
- this can develop into a bad habit
- a habitual late sleeper
- does he lie habitually?
- she had habituated the chimps to humans
- she had habituated the chimps to humans
- she had habituated the chimps to humans
- she had habituated the chimps to humans
- the training of the horse does not depend on force but on habituation
- Our pragmatic dealings with our social environment remain ontologically prior to the intellectual habitudes that have traditionally fascinated Western philosophers such as Plato, Descartes, and Kant.
- his uncle was a habitué of the French theater
- He doesn't have the body habitus for severe sleep apnea.
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