Meaning of ఆనందం in Gujarati
- આનંદ
- આનંદ થાય છે
- આનંદદાયકતા
- આનંદકારક
- ગુંજારવ
- સુખી
- યુફોની
- સુખબોધ
- ગૌરવપૂર્ણ
- ઉલ્લાસ
- ખુશી
- ઉમંગ
- ઉમદા
- ગ્લેડિંગ
- પ્રસન્નતા
- ગ્લોટ
- સુખ
- લલચાવવું
- ભોગવે છે
- અનિવાર્યપણે
- ઝોલ
- જોલીટીઝ
- આનંદિત
- આનંદકારકતા
- આનંદી
- આનંદ કરો
- મોર્થનેસ
- ખુશ થાય છે
- વિનંતી
- સુખહીન
- ઉપભોગ
- સ્વાદિષ્ટ
- મોજણી
Meaning of ఆనందం in English
English usage of ఆనందం
- she gave a sigh of bliss
- an experience guaranteed to delight both young and old
- an experience guaranteed to delight both young and old
- the enjoyment of a good wine
- this successful candidate delivers a stream of fine, euphonious phrases
- the poet put euphony before mere factuality
- GHB has an intoxicant, sedative or euphoriant effect that begins within 10 to 20 minutes of taking the drug.
- the euphoria of success will fuel your desire to continue training
- a euphoric sense of freedom
- exulting in her escape, Lisa closed the door behind her
- she laughs in exultation
- he gave an exulting cry
- exulting in her escape, Lisa closed the door behind her
- the sudden gaiety of children's laughter
- Albion's lessening shore could grieve or glad mine eye
- his face lit up with impish glee
- his enemies gloated over his death
- she struggled to find happiness in her life
- indulgence in self-pity
- indulgence in self-pity
- a night of riotous jollity
- a night of riotous jollity
- the joy of being alive
- loyal Joyceans will find the show disappointing
- joyful music
- I felt shame that I had ever joyed in his discomfiture or pain
- the joy of being alive
- Mark Williams was jubilant after his title triumph ended his 26-month wait for a tournament win on home soil.
- sing and jubilate aloud
- sing and jubilate aloud
- sing and jubilate aloud
- unbelievable scenes of jubilation
- unbelievable scenes of jubilation
- his six-foot frame shook with mirth
- Escaping post-war London, the grieving widow directed her energies into creating her own decorative version of a Scottish pleasance , planting fruit and vegetables as well as flowers among its topiary.
- he arranged a fishing trip to please his son
- she smiled with pleasure at being praised
- he was relishing his moment of glory
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