Meaning of కృతజ్ఞత in Gujarati
- આભારી
- કૃતજ્ .તા
- છીણવું
- પ્રસન્ન કરવું
- દ્રાક્ષ્યતા
- આભાર માનવો
- આભાર
- કૃતજ્
- કર્કશ
- અવિરત
- ભડકો
- અપમાનજનક
- ભડકાઉ
- અસંગતતા
Meaning of కృతజ్ఞత in English
English usage of కృతజ్ఞత
- I was gratified to see the coverage in May's issue
- she expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support
- a social climber who had tried to ingratiate herself with the city gentry
- a social climber who had tried to ingratiate herself with the city gentry
- an ingratiating manner
- a social climber who had tried to ingratiate herself with the city gentry
- she returned her daughter's care with ingratitude and unkindness
Articles Related to ‘కృతజ్ఞత’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો