Meaning of క్షీణత in Gujarati
- એરોફિઝ
- એટ્રોફી
- ધ્રુજારી
- બહિષ્કાર
- ડિએરેશન
- ડીબેઝ
- અધોગતિ
- ડિબેસેસ
- અધોગતિવાળું
- સડો
- ઘોષણા
- વિઘટન
- ડીકોડેશન
- ક્ષીણ થવું
- ભ્રામકતા
- ઘસારો
- નિર્ણય
- વિકૃતિકરણ
- ડેલ
- પતન
- ઘોષણાત્મક
- પતનથી
- ઘટી
- વિકસિત
- ઘટાડો
- અસ્વીકાર
- વિકૃત
- અસ્પષ્ટપણે
- વિકસિતતા
- ડ્રેમિટર
- ક્ષીણ
- વિક્ષેપ
- અસ્પષ્ટ
- બગડવું
- પાનખર
- ડીક્યુબેશન
- દશાંશિક
- પુનરુત્થાન
- વિકસિત થવું
- ચુકાદા
- સમર્પણ
- અવક્ષય
- ડિગ્રેસિસ
- અધોગતિવાદી
- ડિગ્લ્યુટનેટીંગ
- અપમાનજનક
- ડિગ્લ્યુટિટોરી
- ડિગ્રેન્ડ
- અવ્યવસ્થિત
- અવ્યવસ્થિતપણે
- અધમ
- વિરામ
- ઢોળાવ
- ખંડન
- ઉન્માદ
- ડિમેન્ટેશન
- વિકલાંગતા
- ડેમિલેન્સ
- અસ્પષ્ટતા
- ડિમિઝિબિલીટી
- અવ્યવસ્થા
- વિનાશ
- ડિમોશન
- ઉધરસ
- આંકડા
- નિરાશ
- દુર્ઘટના
- નિરાશા
- હતાશા
- ઉદાસીનતા
- અવક્ષયકારક
- ડિપ્લેટરી
- જમાવટ
- અવમૂલ્યન
- વંચિતતા
- બગડવી
- બગાડવાદી
- નિવારણ
- બગાડનાર
- અવરોધ
- નુકસાન
- ખામી
- ડિમિડિએશન
- ખીલ
- નબળાઇ
- ઘટવું
- પ્રસન્નતા
- નિયામક મંદક
- ફેડર્સ
- વિલીનતા
- ફેડિંગ્સ
- પ્લમેટ
- અસ્થિરતા
- બેફામ
Meaning of క్షీణత in English
English usage of క్షీణత
- gastric atrophy
- without exercise, the muscles will atrophy
- without exercise, the muscles will atrophy
- in England deaccession has been adopted by local authorities to offset spending cuts
- the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama
- the love episodes debase the dignity of the drama
- he denounced Western decadence
- History tells us that decadent cultures which have lost the will to fight do not survive.
- The story concerns a dissolute decadent who is enchanted with his beloved, Alicia's, form, but who detests what he considers to be the frivolity and shallowness of her personality.
- a deceleration in economic growth
- our growing hunger for fish has resulted in the decimation of fish stocks
- the declension of the new generation
- Also every month, the Moon will reach its minimum declination at 18 north or south.
- a serious decline in bird numbers
- a thickly wooded declivity
- a thickly wooded declivity
- a decrepit old drunk
- he had passed directly from middle age into decrepitude
- the keen-sighted watcher may catch a glimpse of the slender decrescent moon
- a slide into moral degeneracy
- a slide into moral degeneracy
- overgrazing has caused serious degeneration of grassland
- Glaciation and deglaciation of the continents are important mechanisms for changing the volume of water in ocean basins.
- esophageal pressure peaks induced by a single deglutition
- You repay the amount borrowed with a degressive repayment plan.
- Dennis didn't drink it, he degusted it
- Dennis didn't drink it, he degusted it
- too many demotions would weaken morale
- I shared a compartment with a child and his demure governess
- the depletion of the ozone layer
- a deterioration in the condition of the patient
- Accurate reproduction of shadow masks is achieved with minimized detrition of the tooling.
- In Germany, dimidiation is still a common method of marshalling, where one or both of two coats of arms in a combination will be halved, as in the arms of Loschau.
- the disease shows no signs of diminution
- The device features six channel faders, two master faders , an integrated routing system, and comprehensive monitoring and talkback facilities for control room and studio.
- The device features six channel faders, two master faders , an integrated routing system, and comprehensive monitoring and talkback facilities for control room and studio.
- a climber was killed when he plummeted 300 feet down an icy gully
- forgive my tardiness, I had some very important business to attend to
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