Meaning of పనికిమాలిన in Gujarati
- કઈ જ નહી
- ત્રાસદાયક
- વ્યર્થ
- ફ્રિબોલિંગ
Meaning of పనికిమాలిన in English
English usage of పనికిమాలిన
- His former reluctance to pursue a military solution gave him street cred with the world's do-nothings .
- we shan't have time to frivol
- If they had thought the ship was going down, they would not have frivoled as they did about it.
- rules to stop frivolous lawsuits
Articles Related to ‘పనికిమాలిన’
અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો