Meaning of బొమ్మ in Gujarati
- ઢીંગલી
- ડોલેડ
- બાળપણ
- ડોલોપ
- ડોલ્ટ
- પૂતળાં
- અસ્પષ્ટ
- મૂર્તિ
- પૂતળું
- મૂર્તિપૂજક
- પુત્રી
- રમકડું
- સાથે રમકડું
- રમકડા
- માળખુ
- રમકડાપણું
Meaning of బొమ్మ in English
English usage of బొమ్మ
- I got all dolled up for a party
- I got all dolled up for a party
- a dollop of romance here and there
- It's foolish to complain about uninteresting times, especially when one of your favourite curses is to condemn fools, dolts and irritating people to live in times of an interesting kind.
- the figuration of “The Possessed” is much more complex
- Her dresser has dragon statues and figurines scattered on the top of it.
- Once I was able to sift through, I found I was surrounded by mannequins displaying the newest Berliner collection.
- a toy car
- Drought-tolerant shrubs range from manzanita, cotoneaster and rockrose to toyon , huckleberry and other varieties of ceanothus.
Articles Related to ‘బొమ్మ’
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