Meaning of ముందు in Gujarati
- પહેલાં
- ઉપરોક્ત
- આગળ
- પ્રાગટ્ય
- પહેલા
- અગાઉ
- પૂર્વે
- સામે
- ની સામે
- પૂર્વ
- પૂર્વગમ્ય
- પૂર્વવર્તી
- પૂર્વવર્તીઓ
- પૂર્વનિર્ધારિત
- કમનસીબ
- અગ્રતા
- તોફ
Meaning of ముందు in English
English usage of ముందు
- he died the day afore yesterday
- before the war
- we ate an early lunch
- we hope you will return ere long
- the fore and hind pairs of wings
- the front cover of the magazine
- the tree was almost certainly planted pre 1700
- a gun battle had preceded the explosions
- a gun battle had preceded the explosions
- a gun battle had preceded the explosions
- the preceding pages
- he has a prior engagement this evening
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