Meaning of रंगमंच का मज़दूर in Gujarati
- દ્રશ્ય દૃશ્યો
- દૃશ્યદર્શક
- સ્ટેજહેન્ડ
- સ્ટેજહોન્ડ્સ
Meaning of रंगमंच का मज़दूर in English
English usage of रंगमंच का मज़दूर
- In fact, it looked as if the stagehands had gone off to lunch and had forgotten to come back and clean up the stage.
- In fact, it looked as if the stagehands had gone off to lunch and had forgotten to come back and clean up the stage.
Synonyms of ‘रंगमंच का मज़दूर’
Antonyms of ‘रंगमंच का मज़दूर’
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અક્ષરો પર ક્લિક કરીને બીજા શબ્દો બ્રાઉઝ કરો