Meaning of বিজয়ী in Gujarati
- વિજેતાઓ
- વિજેતા
- વિજયી
- વિજયથી
- વિજય
- બેહદ
- બિનહરીફ
- અનમેટેડ
- વિક્ટોરિયન
- વિજય મેળવ્યો
- વેક્યુલર
- જીત
- જીતવું
- વિનિંગ
- જીતેલા
- વિનોવર
- વિનસમ
- જીતવાળું
Meaning of বিজয়ী in English
English usage of বিজয়ী
- a chance for revenge against his Olympic conqueror
- a Nobel laureate
- a Nobel laureate
- a vast triumphal arch
- the triumphant winner rose from his seat
- he was smiling triumphantly at the stunned look on my face
- spectacle has once again triumphed over content
- A Bradford mountaineer has successfully climbed his third unconquered peak.
- congratulations to the victors
- the facility has taught thousands of Victorians to use the internet
- the team defied the odds and emerged victorious
- turkey and other savory victuals were served
- the ship wasn't even properly victualed
- the ship wasn't even properly victualed
- the ship wasn't even properly victualed
- the ship wasn't even properly victualed
- turkey and other savory victuals were served
- he winced at the disgust in her voice
- a Nobel Prize winner
- a winning streak
- he's winningly earnest
- a winsome smile
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