
Meaning of મોહક in Gujarati

  • મોહક

English usage of મોહક

  • the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon
  • the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon
  • they both were bewitched by the country and its culture
  • I gazed deeply into the most bewitching blue eyes
  • a captivating smile
  • Huntington's chorea isn't catching
  • Joe, who had been such a charmer, had become irritable and lazy
  • Joe, who had been such a charmer, had become irritable and lazy
  • He mixed casual style with elegant material - parachute pants of silk crepe satin or a blazer of ivory silk charmeuse - to create looks that work for both day and night.
  • picturesque processions through streets that are charmingly decorated with flowers
  • a charming country cottage
  • The present invention further provides a chlamydeous flowering plant and a cut chlamydeous flower in each of which the restraint on the floral bud imposed by the outermost layer of the floral bud is released.
  • it is not difficult to see why Edward is enamored of her
  • whenever he spoke all were enchained
  • whenever he spoke all were enchained
  • Isabel was enchanted with the idea
  • Dinah looked enchanting
  • There were four ranks a person could be - witch or wizard, mage, enchanter or enchantress , and sorcerer or sorceress.
  • The caisson ceiling was elaborately decorated with exquisitely enchased mosaic frescos.
  • The caisson ceiling was elaborately decorated with exquisitely enchased mosaic frescos.
  • some travelers spend the night before enplaning the next day for New York
  • Thermogram transition temperatures, enthalpies , and widths at half-height were determined using the software provided with the calorimeter.
  • an enthralling bestseller
  • “This place is superb!” she enthused
  • an enticing prospect
  • ageism is entrenched in our society
  • the solution to progress was to transcend political entrenchment and tackle road safety with every tool imaginable
  • the Supervisor tossed a key to the old slave to unlock the chain that fettered the prisoners together
  • From the mouth, the esophagus leads to the foregut and then intestine, where digestion and absorption occur.
  • Some readers may feel patronised, too: the novel's sprawl and large cast of gabby narrators mean that we're nudged over and over with key points of plot, history or polemic, in case we missed them the first time.
  • the lyrics glamorize drugs
  • one of the world's most glamorous women
  • My glower became a frown, and I folded my arms, leaning back against the couch.
  • I sipped the coffee and grimaced
  • the grimy industrial city
  • gustatory delights
  • Infangthief was another outgrowth of the personal vengeance system, the right of vengeance being transferred to the government.
  • she is infatuated with a handsome police chief
  • she is infatuated with a handsome police chief
  • the Latin inflectional system
  • patchy fog
  • the government preempted a coup attempt
  • the government preempted a coup attempt
  • I spend hours primping in front of the mirror
  • an elaborate system of canals was built, ramifying throughout Britain
  • a serial seducer with no moral compass
  • a serial seducer with no moral compass
  • a lawyer had seduced a female client
  • a seductive voice
  • a heat wave so intense that it shriveled the grapes in every vineyard
  • he left with a surly expression
  • “I don't think they're locals,” she surmised

Synonyms of ‘મોહક

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